Are you crazy?
You'll wake upthe whole neighborhood.
-Hi, Mom.-Don't "Hi, Mom" me.
What are you still doing up?lt's past 1:00.
-l thought l'd wait for you.-Well, l'm home.
Now you can get to sleep.Come on.
l'm really not tired.
Kristen, don't start with me.You know what your shrink said.
He's full of it.
l'm not going to let youget me into an argument.
Now get to sleep.
Mom, l'm still havingthose awful dreams.
Elaine,where do you keep the bourbon?
l'll be right down.l've got a guest.
And you don't wantto keep him waiting?
That's right. l don't.
Good night.
One, two,Freddy's coming for you
Three, four,better lock your door
Five, six, grab a crucifix
Seven, eight, gonna stay up late