Amazon Women on the Moon

Did I take this job
for a quick buck?

We may never know the answers
to these questions. Next week...

Come on.
[Man] To recap the three movies
that we reviewed this week...

here on Critics Corner,
Marc and I both gave
a big thumbs up...

to the new Swedish film
directed by, uh, Olaf Svensen.

Olaf Svensen, called
The Winter of my Despondency.

- Haunting abstract symbolism.
- It's arty crap.

Jonathan and I did
split, however... [Yawns]

On the newest teenage romp
called Frat Slobs.

Jonathan, I think,
thought it to be...

a light,
frothy soufflé...

sizzling with youthful
energy. That I did.

On the other hand, I
thought it was pond scum.

You're an albino.
What the hell do you know?

We have a new feature we'd like
to introduce on Critics Corner...

we hope you'll enjoy. We
call it "Real Life Reviews,"

in which we critique the life of
an average person just like you.

Jonathan will begin with a review
of the life of Harvey Putnik.

[Jonathan] No. Pitnik.
Pitnik, of Skokie, Indiana.


Harvey Pitnik of Skokie, Illinois.
Bernice. Bernice, come here.

They're talking about me
on the television.

Come here.

Harvey Pitnik would seem to have all the
ingredients... [Bernice, Harvey Laugh]

For a successful life.
You'd think so.

So why does he fail so
miserably? I don't know.

I think the problem
is with Harvey himself.

What the hell is this?
You're right. It is Harvey.

Very good, Jonathan.
It is Harvey.

So, we're supposed to care
about this Harvey Pitnik?

Why? I mean, it takes him 30 years
to develop any character at all,

and by the time he does,
who cares?

They're crucifying me.
It's hardly worth the wait.

He didn't like Gandhi either.
Let me show you.

Here's a scene from last year as
Harvey is coming home from work.

[Groans, Sighs]
