Amazon Women on the Moon

He should round out in
a couple days. Promise.

That's not a baby.
That's a Mr. Potato Head.

Harry, call
the hospital administrator.

Hey! You're right.
This is a Mr. Potato Head.

Gosh, they're so lifelike.
Anybody could've made
this mistake.

I'll be right back
with the real Nicholas.

Harry, what are they doing to
us? Calm down, Brenda. Calm down.

We don't want you to get
postpartum anxiety.

Now, as soon as we get our son,
I'm going to report this quack.

Thank God you took that
assertiveness training course.

Here's the little tyke.
You've been a naughty
little baby. Yes, you have.

Playing peekaboo with Mommy and
Daddy. About time. Nick, it's your dad.

He's got a strong, determined jaw
just like his old man there.

- Great. Now you made him cry.
- I don't believe this.

Is this okay? Would you
rather breast-feed him?

Get away from me!
I'm gonna kill you!

What kind of hospital is this?
All right,
Mr. And Mrs. Lamaze!

You see, due to a slight clerical error,
your son has been temporarily misplaced.

- You lost our son?
- Did I say lost? I said misplaced!

I'm suing you for... for malpractice,
negligence... you name it!

Just jump all over me! What about
the nine kids I didn't lose this week?

My baby! What have they
done with my baby?

It was your fault. If you hadn't distracted me
with that video equipment in the delivery room,

I might not have misplaced
your little brat!

- Doctor. We found him.
- See?

He was down the hall in
the laundry hamper. Oh!

Oh, he's beautiful.
I hope you're both
ashamed of yourselves.
