Amazon Women on the Moon

And Rip Taylor,
is that a toupee,

or did a beaver curl up
and die on your head?

As I look at Henny Youngman today, I'm
not so sure we're burying the right guy.

At last,
the greatest album
oflove songs ever recorded.

You'll want to share them
with someone special.

¤ Why do birds suddenly appear ¤
Sung by the man who turned a personal
affliction into a recording career,

Don "No Soul"Simmons.
¤ Just like me ¤
¤ They long to be ¤
¤ Close to you ¤
¤ Why do stars ¤
¤ Fall down from the sky ¤
¤ Every time ¤
¤ You walk by ¤
¤ Just like me ¤
¤ They long to be ¤
¤ Close to you ¤
¤ She'd been sitting there ¤
So curl up by the fireside...

and listen to the non-threatening
music of this master showman.

¤ And, honey, I miss you ¤
¤ And I'm being good ¤
¤ And I'd love
to be with you ¤

¤ If only I could ¤
¤ Say, has anybody seen ¤
¤ My sweet Gypsy Rose ¤
¤ Here's her picture
when she was ¤

¤ My sweet Mary Jo ¤
Young lovers of any age...

will cherish
this timeless collection...

of the world's
most romantic ballads.

And if you act now,
you'll get free...

this bonus album:
Don Simmons Down & Funky.
