Amazon Women on the Moon

Put it on.
Aye, aye, Captain.

Ohhh, I'm so scared.
I said I don't want to be
disturbed. Griffin, it's me, Trent.

Trent, I've been
waiting for you.

Come in.
Ah, Griffin. I came as soon
as I received your cable.

Good God, man,
what happened?

I've done it, Trent. At
long last, I've done it.

I finally duplicated my father's
formula for invisibility...

after five years of injecting myself
with every chemical known to man.

But Griffin, the invisibility formula
turned your father into a raving lunatic.

That's where I've topped
the old man.

I've been on the stuff
for over a week now,

and I'm still
perfectly sane.

Yes. I'll rule the world
with my secret.

Yes. And I'll
need you, Trent.

I must have
a visible partner.

I can tell by your stunned expression
that you're pretty impressed.

Look, Ma,
no hands.
I haven't come up with a reagent
to make myself visible again.

But what's the rush?
I'm having a ball.
