Baby Boom

- Yeah, I know, OK.
- So you know that I...

- Just let me get this off my chest, OK?
- Sure.

- (knocking)
- Now...

What's that knocking?
Well, never mind. Look, you know that
normally I don't think of you as a woman.

But in this case, I do have to
look at you as a woman/partner.

I mean, what if you and Steven decide
to get married somewhere down the line?

- I mean, what if he expects a wife?
- Fritz, first of all... May I?

- Mm.
- Steven and I are not getting married.

We both eat, sleep and dream our work.
That's why we're together.

Fritz, I understand
what it takes to make it.

But do you understand the sacrifices
you're gonna have to make?

I mean, a man can be a success and still
have a personal life, a full personal life.

My wife is there whenever I need her.
I mean, she raises the kids,
she decorates, she...

Well, I don't know what the hell she does,
but she takes care of things.

I guess...
What I'm saying is, I'm lucky.
I can have it all.
Is that what you're worried about?
Forget it.
I don't want it all.
I don't.
- How about an Akita as a present?
- A dog?

- I thought you loved them.
- I love looking at 'em, but owning one?

You've got to feed it and walk it and we'd
have hair everywhere. What if it died?

- Jeez, it was just a thought.
- Well, it's a lovely thought. It's just...

Oh, you know me.
I'm not really great with living things.

I think you are.
- D'you wanna make love?
- Please. Really.

All right, it's coming off right now.
Oh, dear.
