- Do we have any women partners?
- One. In the Chicago office.
- Good morning, Mr Sloane.
- Right, right. The redhead.
Everett, it's down here.
The first office on the left.
I found it! Here you go.
Here you go, Miss. There it is.
Oh, hello! Oh, hello.
- Everett, you remember JC, don't you?
- Of course. Everett, how do you do?
I thought you were in Washington.
Won't you please come right on in?
Yes. Sit down.
Um... (whispers) Charlotte?
Everett, why don't you sit down?
Oh, Everett, excuse me. So, so sorry.
If you could just scoot over. I'm sorry.
(gasps) Oh, my goodness.
I have a hair dryer in the closet.
- I'm fine.
- Perhaps a towel?
- No, I'm fine.
- Very sorry about that.
- When did she have a baby?
- This isn't JC's baby. It's her cousin's.
- She's just keeping it for a few days.
- Well, Fritz, as it turns out...
...I'm keeping her - excuse me -
I'm keeping her a little longer than that.
- How much longer?
- Oh, for ever.
Could I interest anybody in anything
to drink? 7 UP, Perrier... formula?
I hear you'd like to be a partner.
Oh, yes. I would love to be a partner.
It represents the kind of tenure that...
Oh, pardon me. Yes, thank you.
I'm so sorry, Everett.