Drinking beer laced with cyanide
from little polystyrene cups.
Yeah, yeah,
OK Derek, just do me one favour.
Try not to make him extinct
before we get there.
Christ, what a dork!
How the hell did he get in this team?
Well, this has buggered your plans
for conquering the universe, eh?
My friend the astro-bastard.
Time for talkies.
By the time my colleagues
get here...
l want to have you babbling
in some extra-terrestrial language.
Now in case you don't want
to do what you're told...
l could always encourage you
by hammering this cold steel...
into your fibula.
lt'll sure poke a nasty hole
in your marrow, mate.
We'll get the old ball rolling, eh?
Now, what are you dirty hooers
doing on my planet?
Oh, bugger it!