Bad Taste

l think this is going a little bit
over the top, Ozzy.

Nah, this'll do the trick.
Nobody'll be coming up this road.

But the nearest nuclear
reactor's in America.

But it could have been an explosion on
one of those Springbok warships.


Frank! Ozzy!
Come in!

Yeah, what is it Barry?
Jeez you guys
we're in trouble this time.

lt's really hit the fan.
Derek's wiped out
five of these alien jokers.

The place is like a bloody abattoir.
Where's Derek now?
Well, he's..
he's turned his toes up, guys.

Took a dive off the bloody cliff.
He's popped his rivets.
Poor Derek!
Who's going to look after
his aviary now?

Yeah, birds were the only thing
he could relate to.

Right, we'll be there
in about fifteen minutes.

No, l think it'll be best
if you sty where you are.

Just get the car off the road
until l call you back.
