Bad Taste

For God's sake guys,
keep it quiet!

Shut him up, Oz.
l've just cleaned that bit.
Uh, that's gross!
They come to bits easy!

Get rid of it!
The old magic's still there.
What are you doing Frank?
l'm going to go in and find out
what's going on.

Here, he was carrying this.
You, stay here.
...the importance of keeping the
bloody books up to date.

The past week has been difficult...
and l would like to say
how proud l am of you all.

The manner in which you conducted
a very tricky slaughter operation...

has been a real credit to you
and indeed...

to the whole Crumb's Crunchy
Delights organisation.

Your paychecks will reflect
the gratitude of the company.

l don't think we'll have
any more trouble.

we will be handing
these around later.

l am certain that...
when the homo sapiens taste takes
the galaxy by storm as it will..

Crumb's Crunchy Delights
will be back at the top.

McYaballow's Fried Moonrat
won't know what hit them.

All the livestock we need
are right here.

Four billion of them!
Right, Robert.
Once the Fast Food Authority
have checked the samples...

and issued
the Mass Slaughter Permits...

this grotty little planet
will tremble...

under the full might of
the Lord Crumb restaurant chain!
