Bye, Axel. I'll call you in a week.
(Dialling tone)
Marcy doesn't want to meet you.
Inspector Todd wants
to see you immediately.
What do you mean she
doesn't want to see me?
- She doesn't like you.
- She doesn't know me.
- I described you to her.
- Why?! I help you.
I tell Todd
you're working 24 hours a day.
Jesus, look at that watch.
Jeffrey, please, leave me alone!
I got to work undercover with you.
Why not?
If Marcy won't give me her number,
I'll give you mine
and you pass it on.
I'm very close to shooting you.
As far as undercover goes,
I want to be involved.
- You want to work undercover?
- Yes!
When Todd asks where I am, tell
him I'm pursuing my credit card bust.
Now you're undercover.
(Distant siren)
LA Times got a letter like that
two hours ago.
He knows that, Billy.
Is this guy serious?
He's serious about
the way he pulled the job.
He knew exactly how long
to stay inside and what to take.
Captain, I have this friend...
Why are you involved with this case?
I assigned you and Taggart
to the Peterson extortion case.
Bogomil, get your men in here.
Come on.
You can't keep God waiting.
I don't want to hear
that kind of talk.
He's fired every cop who
worked for the old chief.
There's only us three left.
He's still head of this department.
Yes, sir.
Very smart, Billy.
I have a relationship with this dude.
Dude? Dude? We're not even
supposed to be working on this case.
Come on, Sarge.
I know you have domestic troubles,
but you got to cool out, relax.