You wanna do business?
With you, but not in front of him
because this dude's a cop.
I can smell a pig.
I used to be a Muslim. I know pork.
Yes, pork! Definitely pork.
I ain't doing shit
around this dude, man.
Fuck you, man. Allahu Akhbar.
You calling me a cop?
- Hey! Hey!
- Hey!
Jeff. Hey.
Where have you been?
Todd's looking for you.
I hope you made the bust.
- Can I count on you, trust you?
- Yes.
We working undercover together?
And you'll be quiet?
- Who are you talking to?
- OK, listen. Shh, wait.
- Drive the Ferrari for a few days.
- The Ferrari?
I'm leaving town
for a few days and...
- I need you to drive the Ferrari.
- Where?
Around. But you have to be me.
- How do I do that?
- Duck down. Drive like this.
- Drive it...
- No one can know it's you.
Don't have people
hanging around the car.
It draws attention to yourself.
Have one person... Marcy!
Drive Marcy in it.
- We're supposed to meet...
- What?
For the car.
She wants to be in the car.
- She likes the car?
- She loves it.
Drive with Marcy, scootch down.
Don't tell anybody about this. OK?
And I know you don't understand,
but this'll make me cop of the month.
We'll be there smiling together.
- I can trust you?
- Yes.
You're my friend?
You understand this?
- No.
- Good.
Inspector T, how you doing?
Where the fuck you been, Foley?
- And what the fuck is this?
- It's a blue slip.
Why the hell you need $1,000?
- A little flash money...
- Flash money? Let's see...