Beverly Hills Cop II

Let's give Billy
a big Dating Game kiss.

- Where's your phone?
- Bedroom.

Where, in the alligator pit?
Jesus, Billy.
- Y'ello?
- 'Jeff? Yeah, Axel.'

Axel. Axel, it's one in the morning.
Jeffrey, stop talking.
How's the Ferrari?

Great. What a great car!
Do those seats go back?

I was with Marcy trying
to get the seats back...

You can't do freaky shit in that car.
You have to do something for me -
you won't like it.

Am I going to get in trouble?
- You see that?
- Weird, huh?

It's not weird. It's simple.
The fumes from the Super glue attach
to the acid from the fingerprints.

It's a street cop trick.
Hasn't filtered down to you boys yet.

Now we have to match it.
- We could use the computer downtown.
- No.

There won't be anybody
there this time of night, Sarge.

Oh, shit.
There goes my medical insurance.

- You can be such a pussy sometimes.
- Really.

Let's go. Come on.
(Axel) You boys definitely
get an A in High-tech.

It takes 60 cops
to do this shit in Detroit.

Charles Cain.
Used to be Charles Campos.

I just met this guy. He works
in the Beverly Hills gun club.

- He does?
- Yeah.

This ain't the guy - he's a weasel.
- This isn't a master criminal.
- That's his print.

This guy had nothing to do
with Bogomil getting shot.
