Black Widow

Would you do me a favor?
Would you get this back to Sears?
- Don't underestimate this woman.
- She's not about guns.

You want to catch her,
you gotta think like she thinks.

I think.
And you figure you know her, huh?
Why she does it?

Tell me.
When I was a kid, my father...
I told you this story, though, didn't I?

My dad had quite a temper.
He used to take off after me
with this spatula, you know.

Stainless steel pancake turner.
Man, that thing stung like hell.

One of these times,
he chased me down the hall...

...and he got me into my bedroom,
and he was beating the crap out of me.

And he stood up, keeled over and died.
I figure Margaret,
or whatever her name is...

...has some deep resentment
against older men and...

Are you buying this?
I can't believe you really went for it.
Goddamn it.
Don't you know? No one knows
why anyone does anything.

I know she's obsessed with killing
and you're obsessed with her.

What worries me is that
you might be as wacky as she is.

I'll be back with a tan.
Over here, all of you going
to Kilauea, line up here please.
