Cupcake, would you excuse me
for just a minute?
-They still do that in Japan?
-I don't know--
Walter, you old dog.
-Denny Gordon, this is Nadia Gates.
-How do you do?
-I gotta hand it to you.
This is the most exciting
woman in the place.
Thank you. Nice tie.
Where did you get it?
I don't remember. Probably
one of those places over on Rodeo.
-Where's that?
-You don't know where Rodeo is?
No, I know where it is.
I just wondered if you did.
What happened to your pocket?
-Oh, we had a little--
-That's the new style.
See? Oh, that looks nice.
-Aren't you forgetting your date?
-My date? Oh, right. Yes.
I do hope that we'll meet again.
" Denny Gordon, supervisor,
real estate analysis."
How did you get that?
It fell out of my pocket.
-You pressed it in my hand.
-I don't think I did that.
-You put it right in my hand.
-You see--
-Why? Did you think I'd call you up?
-Come on, you know how it is.
No, I don't think
he does know how it is.
He's not a vain slimeball pig
that's led around by his dick.
I guess that just about
sums it up, huh?
All's fair in love and....
She's right. You really are
a slimeball pig.