-Nadia, I'm driving the car!
-Let's do it! Let's do it right now!
-We're on the freeway!
-Who cares?
I'm driving 55 miles an hour, here!
Will you, for chri--
Stop it!
-Stop, please!
-You're frowning again.
Stop it! For chrissakes,
there's a car behind us!
Gotta do better than that.
Someone's getting out of the car.
Sit over there.
-What? This is--
-Car trouble?
-You following us?
-I'm worried about her.
-I'm taking her home.
You let her drink? Son of a bitch,
don't you know she can't drink?
-Nadia, get out of the car!
-Stay in the car.
-Hey, that's a-- That's a $500 bra!
-I'm gonna kill you!
You were gonna drill her.
I'll kill you!
Can't we just talk about it?
Honey, stay in the car.
-I'll stay in the car.
-You don't love her like I do!
-I believe you!
-He doesn't love you like I do!
What are you doing?
Get out of my car! Hey!
That son of a bitch!
I'm gonna kill you too!
Walter, what--
You son of a bitch, I'll kill you!
Damn bastard!