Your ex's hobby is killing people.
What's his profession?
-He's a defence lawyer.
-For who? Jack the Ripper?
It's not funny.
I'm taking you home.
Where do your friends live?
They live on Elm and East Hill.
Your friends live
on Elm and East Hill?
No, the party.
I'm not taking you to any party!
I'm gonna take you home.
To Baton Rouge?
I'm taking you to your friends' house.
Where do they live?
-We have to get on the freeway.
-No! No more freeways.
It's the only way I know
how to get there.
-What's the exact address?
-I know the house.
-I'm getting on the freeway.
-Where's the hole?
But if you make one move--
You listening?
If you make one move
that makes me nervous...
...l'll put you out at the first
intersection. Understand?
Don't frown, Walter.
Here's the house. Right....
Okay, here, stop. Right here.
When was the last time
you saw these people?
About six years.
Listen to me.
Listen. Listen to me.
You absolutely sure this is the house?