Blind Date

I'm thirsty.
Thank you.
Walter Davis, gynaecologist.
-I know these people.
-Great! Let's mingle.

You can't juggle pâté.
Oh, my God!
-You came after all.
-Walter Davis, interior decorator.

-Did you do the Leland house?
-We did the upstairs in '60's kitsch.

-Beanbag chairs, lava lamps. Amazing.
-We have to go there now.

That's a great suit, Grant.
1 06 at the Forum,
24 seconds left in the game.

Lakers down by one.
Magic pumps, shoots.

Lakers win in overtime, folks!
Boston fans?
Do I hear a mambo?
Come on, Nadia.
It's mambo time!
Listen to me!
Come and dance with me, darling.
Walter Davis, brain surgeon.
Walter Davis, mambo king!
-Mambo with me, darling!
-Would you care for another--

I hope Walter and Nadia
are having a good time.
