Why bring so many of Vincent's pictures?
You'll be with him everyday
over there in school.
Mammy, put Vincent's mitt
in my luggage too. Thank you!
Fatty! Should l bring him this one...
Or this one?
Neither! He won't even pick you up
at the airport.
He has to play a match in Boston!
Always thinking of Vincent!
Now don't forget your cousin's picture.
lt took me a while to persuade him
to pick you up.
He even found you an apartment.
What a jerk!
He's a community leader in Chinatown.
Owns a house and car,
and lives like a king.
He worked on ships.
People called him Sampan.
What a weird name.
He must be quite somebody
to be called that.
Here, that this barbecued duck with you.
Nobody carries a duck onto the plane!
Take it! lt's a 20-hour flight.