You bought those tickets for me?
Of course not. They're Bull's.
Ain't you gonna babysit?
Oh no, l'm late.
Where to? Let me drive you there.
That junk?
l'm too tired today
to hold on to the door.
lt's a new one!
So this is your new car!
You can hear every part except the horn.
l had a rough night.
Stripped down to the last penny!
But this is a good car.
and a convertible, too.
Look at this hole.
l'd better watch my feet!
Why don't you quit gambling?
l need it to balance my mind!
Come on, we're gonna be late.
We''ll wait for another five minutes,
l am late. l got to go.
Ok, l'll wait for you.
Sorry, Mrs. Sherwood.
Didn't we say 6:30?
Next time, l'll be...
You'd better.
Time is important to me.
Well, l'll wait for you in the car.
My daughter's in there.
Go in and introduce yourself.
l am in a hurry.
Don't have time to introduce.
Bye bye.
Why don't you go in?
Well? Get in...
Pan, come in and
stay with me for a while.
lt's just a little girl.
Women are ''chable''.