It's rainy day game time.
Pin the tail on the guest.
Win ten boxes of Kleenex
or a billy goat!
God, I am so sick of this rain.
Remind me not to take my honeymoon
at Niagara Falls.
So, you go to Acapulco.
It'll be fine.
Where is my beige
iridescent lipstick?
I know I put it in this drawer.
Baby, where are you going
in this weather?
Uh, they're having charades
in the west lobby.
Quite the little joiner,
aren't we?
- Have you had many women?
- What?
Baby, come on.
Tell me. I want to know.
You gotta understand
what it's like.
You come from the streets
and suddenly you're up here.
Women are throwing themselves
at you and they smell so good.
They really take care
of themselves.
I never knew women
could be like that.
They're so goddamn rich you think
they must know about everything.
They're slippin' their room keys
in my hand two and three times a day--
different women--
so, I think I'm scorin' big, right?
You think, ""They wouldn't be doing this
if they didn't care about me, right?""
That's all right. I understand.
You were just using them, that's all.
No, that's not it.
That's the thing.
It wasn't like that.
They were using me.