Dirty Dancing

Bilo bi ti vseeno,
èe bi se dala dol z celo vojsko...

da bi le bila na pravi strani.
Na poti Ho Chi Minh-a.

Skrbi te le to,
da nisi veè oèkova punèka.

Sedaj posluša mene.
In tebi to ni všeè.
Dva, tri, cha-cha-cha.
Moja drža.
Kje je moj prikupen lok?

Mehke roke! Daj mi
prosim nekaj napetosti?

Vdiraš v moj plesni prostor.
To je moj plesni prostor.

Tu je tvoj. Plešiva cha-cha.
Ne glej dol.
Glej naravnost vame.

You wouldn't care if I humped
the entire army...

as long as we were on the right side
of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

What you care about is that
you're not Daddy's girl anymore.

He listens when I talk now.
You hate that.
Two, three, cha-cha-cha.
My frame.
Where's my pleasing arc?

Spaghetti arms! Would you
give me some tension, please?

You're invading my dance space.
This is my dance space.

That's yours. Let's cha-cha.
Don't look down.
Look right here.
