Why do they fall in love?
Why does the rain
Fall from up above?
Why do fools fall in love?
Why do they fall in love?
Mama, I got a joke.
Little Eddie got a joke to tell.
Go on, Eddie.
Eddie. Eddie.
I got a joke to tell.
Once there was a lion
and a monkey.
The monkey said,
"I can make the weather change."
And the lion said,
"No, you can't."
So the monkey started
climbing up the tree.
And then he started peeing
on the lion's head.
"Now it's raining!"
Then he started farting.
"Now there's thunder!"
Then he started doo-dooing.
"Now it's snowing!"
So the lion said, "Oh, yeah?
Well, I can make the stars come out."
And then he kicked him
in the ding-ding.
Thank you.
I love that doo-doo line.
That boy's got talent.