I am Josef Mengele!
Well, as you men know,
our camp's been selected
by the governor's staff
to take part in his, uh, program
for disadvantaged youngsters.
He calls it, uh,
"Operation: Second Chance. "
Some camps have
all the luck.
And I just got notification that the second-chancers
are gonna be ready to be picked up today,
and I wanted you guys
to be prepared for it.
Better hide
your wallets.
Yeah, and get out
your brass knuckles.
We're already short-handed. How are
we gonna handle those delinquents?
Oh, they're not
They're just boys from a bit
rougher environment than most of us.
You mean
underage criminals.
No, they're not.
They're all residents of
the State Institute For Boys,
but they're not criminals.
Stennis, I'm gonna let you
be their counselor.
Why do I get stuck
with them?
Because you've got
the most experience.
Besides, after you get
to know those boys...
Oh, I'm not gonna take
any crap off of them.
If they get out of line,
I'm gonna knock 'em back in.
Ross, Ross...
listen to me.
Just do the best
you can.
If you can't handle it,
- We'll have no
choice. We'll have to send them back.
Oh, I can handle 'em
all right.
Yeah, a little discipline is
probably just what they need.
Uh, Ernest,
will you take the bus over
and get those
second-chancers for me?
# Bad luck and me,
we are old friends #
# Dealt me the losing hand
once again #
# Now I'm doin' time,
and time ain't kind #
# Sun comes up,
but it don't ever shine #
Boy, I can't wait
to get outta here.