Now, Eddie, if you don't
stir it, it'll clot on ya.
Something burnin'?
Here. Look what we got
for ya.
Look at that.
Jake's specialty du jour...
eggs erroneous.
It's made with powdered eggs
and 17 herbs and spices
smuggled into this country
by Tibetan monks.
Ernest, I want you to cut
yourself a big knock
out of
these eggs erroneous.
No, I-I can't eat
on an empty stomach.
of course you can.
Eddie does, and look at
that rosy glow to his teeth.
- Oh, come on, now.
- No.
Now, Ernest, would
somebody dressed like this
lie to you about food?
Fond as I am
of Tibetan cooking,
a hungry lion hunts best,
know what I mean?
Now, come on.
Take you a little bite.
- Come on, now.
- No.
- Open big.
- No.
- Come on.
- No.
- Ernest...
- No!
- Ernest!
- No!
It's time for the plane
to go to hangar.
sputtering engine]
A rabbit, Jake!
We could use a rabbit!
That's it! A rabbit!
A big, fat rabbit
with all of its shots!