# You got me thinkin'
that we just can't lose #
# By pullin' together #
# We're gettin' stronger #
# We got a second chance,
and we'll break through #
# 'Cause when you're fightin'
for your life #
# You hold on tight #
# Don't let go
till you see the light #
# Can't stop
till the race is run #
- Yeah! - All right! - #
We're gonna win this one #
- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!
You know, Moose,
recreating your genuine
Indian artifact
is not just another
handicraft. It is a art.
- Ernest?
- Mm-hmm?
Do you think
if we win this contest,
we could stay here forever
and not have to go back
to that old institute?
Well, if it was
up to me, Moose,
you'd stay right here
from now on.
Is it up to you?
I didn't think so.
Well, it's no use talking
to the old Indian.
I mean, the old guy
can't stop talking
about the old ways...
spirits, this kind of
voodoo mumbo jumbo.
you don't understand.
The old guy will not
listen to reason.
I mean,
who can own a tree?