No, here he is.
- Moses! Moses! Moses! What happened? Did someone hurt you?
- No.
- What is it? What happened? Tell us.
- I went there to get this.
- From sergeant Bauer. - Yes, I know that.
- I saw the shower place.
And there are no showers.
'Cause all the people who
go in there, are killed.
I saw the dead bodies.
Women, babies...
All twisted together. And prisoners like
us throw them on carts and pull them away.
Everyone who goes for a shower is dead.
Everyone. Shlomo, our whole family is dead.
- You knew this. You knew
and you didn't tell us.
My family are dead too.
The sergeants, they said if
I told anyone, they'd kill me.
Our mother, our father and
our sister are murdered.
Now I want to kill.
And I will kill!
Which one of you is Leon?
- I am. You are the new...
eh... the new goldsmith.
- Yes, hello Shlomo.
- What's going on in here?
How can you do this in a place
where they murder your families?
They kill little children.
And you make music, you laugh,
you play games, you even make
love. In here, it's a carnival.
And you work for these monsters!
You packet our clothing to send to Germany.