Evil Dead II

What do you think, kid?
I Iove it, Ash.
I feeI funny about being here.
What if the owners come home?

- We'II teII them the car broke down.
- With your car, they'd beIieve it.

What about some champagne, baby?
After aII, I'm a man and you're
a woman. At Ieast, the Iast time.

- There's a tape recorder here.
- See what's on it.

This is Professor Raymond Knowby,
log entry number two.

l believe l made a signifiicant find
in the castle of Kandar.

Having journeyed there with my wife,
my daughter and Prof. Gatly, -

- it was in the rear chamber that we
stumbled upon something remarkable.

'Naturum de Monto',
the Book of the Dead.
