- We thought our father wouId be here.
- Where are my parents?
What the heII did you do to them?
Annie, come here! Come here!
Let's throw him in there.
Crazy buck's gone bIood simpIe.
I am...
I made a mistake.
Wait, wait. No!
I made a mistake.
Damn right, you son of a bitch!
I hope you rot down there.
- Oh, shit!
- Everything's gonna be fine.
I'm gonna go fetch the sheriff
and bring him...
I checked aII the rooms.
Your foIks aren't here.
But these are my father's things.
lt's been a few hours since l
translated the demon passages -
- from the Book of the Dead.
This is my father's voice.
l fear that my wife has become host
to a Kandarian demon.
May God forgive me
for what l have unleashed.