What's wrong?
Like something just waIked
over my grave.
That picture, what is that?
In 1300 A.D., they caIIed this man
the 'Hero from the Sky'.
- He was prophesied to destroy eviI.
- He didn't do a very good job.
Can you find it?
Here it is. Two passages.
Recitation of this first passage -
- wiII make this dark spirit
manifest itseIf in the fIesh.
- Why the heII wouId we want that?
- The second passage...
...creates a rift in time and space.
The physicaI manifestation
can be forced back into the rift.
That's the best transIation I can...
That's right...
I'm running the show now.
We're gonna Iook for Bobby Joe,
and then we're getting out of here!
No, you idiot! It wiII kiII us aII.
She's dead. Don't you understand?
With these pages, -
- at Ieast we have a chance.
Bunch of mumbo-jumbo buIIshit!
These pages don't mean squat!
Besides, now you ain't got no choice.
Now move!