So what do you think kid?
I love it Ash.
I feel funny about being here.
What if the people
who own the place come home?
They're not gonna come back.
Even if they do we'll tell them the car
broke down or something like that.
With your car, they'd believe it.
Hey, what do you say
we have some champagne hey baby?
After all, I'm a man and you're a woman,
at least last time I checked....
Hey! There's a...
There's a tape recorder here.
See what's on it.
This is Professor Raymond Knowby,
Department of Ancient History,
log entry number two.
I believe I have made a significant find
in the Castle of Candar.
Having journeyed there with my wife Henrietta, my daughter and associate professor
It was in the rear chamber of the castle
that we stumbled upon something remarkable.
Morturom Demonto, the "Book of the Dead".