No we thought her father was going to be here.
That's why we decided -
Oh my God! Where are my parents?
What the hell did you do to them?
What the hell did you do to them?
Annie, come here.
We'll throw him in there.
Crazy buck's gone blood seeking.
I made a mistake.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
I made a mistake.
Damn right. Blackmail son of a bitch.
I hope you rot down there.
Oh shit!
I know it hurts baby,
but everything's gonna be fine.
Now in about five minutes I'm gonna
go fetch the sheriff and bring him-
Checked all the other rooms.
Folks aren't here. Maybe they never came.
But these are my father's things.
It's only been a few hours
since I've translated and spoken aloud
the first of the demon resurrection
passages from the Book of the Dead.
Shhh... Listen up.
This is my father's voice.
And now I fear that my wife has become
host to a Candarian Demon.
May God forgive me for what
I have unleashed unto this earth.