Full Metal Jacket

Do we love our beloved Corps, ladies?
Semper fi, do or die!
Gung ho, gung ho!
What makes the grass grow?
Blood, blood, blood.
What do we do for a living, ladies?
Kill, kill, kill!
I can't hear you!
Kill, kill, kill!
Bullshit! I still can't hear you!
Kill, kill, kill!
Do any of you know
who Charles Whitman was?

None of you dumbasses knows?
Sir, he shot all those people
from that tower in Austin, Texas, sir!

Charles Whitman killed 12 people...
...from a 28-story observation tower
at the University of Texas...

...from distances of up to 400 yards.
Anybody know
who Lee Harvey Oswald was?

Sir, he shot Kennedy, sir!
And do you know how far away he was?
Sir, it was far! From that
book suppository building, sir!

Knock it off!
250 feet!
He was 250 feet away and shooting
at a moving target.

He got off three rounds...
...with an Italian bolt-action rifle
in six seconds...

...and scored two hits,
including a head shot!

Do any of you know where...
...these individuals learned to shoot?
Sir, in the Marines, sir!
In the Marines! Outstanding!
Those individuals...

...showed what one motivated Marine
and his rifle can do!
