Gaam yuk fung wan

Your pal too!
I smell trouble

You've been here long enough
to know what's going on

I really don't know
Are they making a deal?
I don't know, Sir
Bill, I need to talk to you
Mickey, I have nothing to say to you
Last time in the court yard
Didn't we gang up on Mad Dog?
No, he picked on my pals by mistake
I was not helping you
He'll be out of the hospital soon
Let's take him down together
This is between him and me
I'll take care of it
Can you?
We'll see
You're not afraid of Mad Dog, are you?
Just drop it!
There were many casualties at the riot
If we knew beforehand, it can be prevented
I have nothing to do with it
I really don't know anything
I really don't know
You may go. Send in Mickey
Yes, Sir!
Mickey, get in here!
Cut the crap!
Sit down
Take a drag
We're missing a file in woodwork
A pair of scissors in laundry. Find them
Are you serious?
Not in this big prison
Suit yourself
I found this deck in your pillow
That's at least another 28 days
If you come up with the tools
I'll forget about the cards
I didn't do it
You have a huge following
Finding the tools is easy
You know the situation
I have to settle a score with Mad Dog
We have no time to find the tools
If you do that for me
I'll get Mad Dog transferred
That's great!
