I was stupid to upset you
No, I should apologize
Please let bygones be bygones
How! I've never been beaten up before
That's more than enough
Billy, watch out for your Boss
Go to hell!
Guards are coming!
Let's settle this with cigarettes
Listen, I'm in a good mood today
Don't aggravate me, get lost!
Mickey, don't be so tough
What are you shouting about, Bill?
Did you tell your men
not to pay up their debts?
No, they just can't afford it
That's cheating
Bill, don't talk to Boss like that
Shut up, Billy!
Shut up!
Trying to pick a fight?
No, just chatting!
Move it!
Let's go!
What shall we do now, Ching?
There'll be trouble if Mickey won't agree
Let's ask for a transfer
Right, let's talk to Hung
It's useless. Let's file an application
That'll take too long. Just talk to him
I'll try
What's the matter?
Can you help Ching and I get a transfer?
It's about Mickey...
He's still after us
Thanks. When?
I don't know
I'll have to check for vacancies
And see whether they'll take you in
This is not a hotel. You have to wait
I'll complain to the Justice of Peace
You'll get us into more trouble
Prison mops are the best
Buy a prison mop