Gaam yuk fung wan

Let's not make things worse
You're too selfish
Bill, we still have to eat eventually
I know, but at least let them know
We're not happy with the price hike
This is for everyone's benefit,
we'll get support

Yung, tell the men to fast tonight
Yes, Boss!
Bill, you have to alert the others
Wait till we succeed
Good idea!
Then we can strut in front of them

I use my brain, that's why I'm the Boss
What about using your brain?
We're just chatting
Getting excited over your pay slip?
Think again if you want to make trouble
Hung, this price hike is too much!
Quit if you can't afford it!
If I see you outside
I'll give you a good fix
Stand back!
Why are they not eating?
Probably about the price hike
That's ridiculous! Eat!
Are we really going to fast?
It's up to you
Why aren't you eating? Eat!
Who said we're not eating?
Watch the chopsticks
You're a quick learner
