We get chicken wings once a week
Only a fool will let it go to waste
What are you looking at?
This is for everyone's benefit
Now Bill is locked up
What do you all think?
What else? Hung is so cocky
Who does he think he is?
Even the Superintendent dares
not dump our food
Let's go on a hunger strike
Bill is a fool for not telling us
He wanted the credit to himself
Shut up!
Go elsewhere if you want to eat
He is just plain stupid
This is serious matter,
please think it over
Why? Are you scared?
I'm starving too
That's good
Pass the word around.
Nobody eats tomorrow night
Who'll tell Mickey?
Which cell is he in?
He is such a troublemaker
Mickey, I think you have heard
Yes, but not the whole story
What do you think?
If everyone's in
Including you old fools
I can't stay out
That's good
I also want to talk about Yiu
That's a separate matter
I'll settle it for sure
Mickey, give us a break
I've talked to Yiu
We'll give you our salary until we leave
Can we settle then?
Let me think about it
Good, please do that