Mickey! Eat!
Come with me! Move it!
Is this because of the price hike?
Need you ask?
Who started it?
I can't tell you! You want me dead?
All the "heads" are in on this?
I didn't say that, it's been decided
I'm just playing along
You go back out there and eat
I can't go up against them all
If you don't start eating
I'll lock up all the "heads"
And tell them you ratted on them
You'll be dead just the same
You're trapping me
I learnt that from you
Think it over
You work with me, you'll be fine
I'll get rid of them for you
I promise no one will lay a finger on you
Find me a way out
I'll get you a fall guy
Frame him for squealing
Tell me, who started this?
Go back to your seat