No civilians either.
I'm not taking any interrogators.
Jesus Christ!
- Medevac's down! Medevac's down!
- Medevac's hit.
Roger. We got one down here.
Guidon. Parade, hut!
On behalf of the president,
please accept this flag...
...in recognition of
your loved one's faithful service.
On behalf of the Army chief of staff
and the Arlington Ladies...
...we extend our deepest sympathies.
God bless you.
Dear Sarge:
Maybe this is my last letter to you.
I feel that it is.
- Rachel.
- I lost three men today, good ones.
But that's the way it is.
You always lose the good ones.
What do I tell their folks?
What would you tell my wife?
It's funny, but I always
thought I'd been here before.
I've been a soldier all my life.
I mean it. All my life.
Even when I was a kid.