Gardens of Stone

Watch my lips, kid.
No way, nohow.

I'm cutting to the bottom line, pal.
Na Trang, 1962.
Did I not save your sorry ass...

:18:14 extreme risk to my own?
- You got a lot of nerve.

How big is this gal's booty, anyway?
Cut the goddamn crap. You owe me,
and I'm calling in my marker.

Do I have your word I won't
hear about ancient history again?

- You do, you do.
- Okay, what time?

- You be here at 1930.
- Okay. I'll call Betty Rae...

...because I gotta ogle that booty.
- Watch your mouth.

- Fucking a.
- Bastard.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Come on in.
Sorry, my friends are a little late.
- A little white wine okay?
- Fine, thank you.

Thank you.
It's good.
I bought it special. Just showing off.
- What do you do?
- I write for The Washington Post.

L came up from The Charlotte Observer
in North Carolina.

- Will you excuse me a second?
- Sure.
