Gardens of Stone

Call me.
Good night.
All right, let's go! Top of the
morning, girls! Look alive!

Walters, get out of the rack here!
Come on! Let's go, let's move.

Come on, get up! Wildman?
Let's move, come on!

Up and at 'em, guys.
Put away the funny books
and prepare for inspection!

- Trey, get down. Knock out 10.
- Yes, sergeant.

One, sergeant.
Two, sergeant. Three, sergeant...

Why are you looking at my head?
I don't need a haircut!

- Permission to recover, sir.
- Recover.

- Looking good!
- Thank you, sir.

Fix that! Get that pant leg
off the ground!

Why are you looking at the back of my
head? I don't need a haircut!

Wildman, cool it! He's on you!
Wildman, you spastic son of a bitch!
Get at parade rest right now!

This is the U.S. Army
3rd Infantry Old Guard...

...not a three-ring circus!
This shoe looks like it was
shined with a hot Hershey bar!

I guess I have to explain chain of
command again! It's very simple!

The lieutenant chews out Sergeant
Hazard! Hazard chews me out!

I chew out you!
It's the chain of command!

Very simple! Shit rolls downhill.
Do you understand?

- Do you understand me?
- Hold on, sergeant.

Why don't you let me work with him?
You've got better things to do.

Yeah, specialist-wannabe-private,
you work with him.
