Make a hole! Make it wide!
- What's your name, soldier?
- Willow, sergeant major.
- How do you like the Army?
- I like it fine.
- You take biology in school?
- Yes.
How do worms copulate?
They don't.
They use asexual reproduction.
Interesting concept.
Any idea who first came up
with that notion?
- Reproducing without sex?
- Your wife, sergeant major?
Forget it, fellas.
No gigs on this platoon.
They make it through clean.
Wildman! "Yum, yum, yum,"
said the big hungry bear!
Let's just see what we got here.
- Gracious me!
- Pray.
Who's babysitting this kid, Clell?
Mr. Asexual Reproduction?