Gardens of Stone

Now you're an embarrassment!
My friends ask,
" How's my peacenik platoon sergeant?"

I am not a peacenik, captain.
I just don't agree
with this particular war.

If we're gonna fight,
we should fight right.

All right, think anything you want.
Just keep it to yourself!

Maybe it was a mistake for you
to have asked for me here.

And you could rectify that
by approving my transfer.

You are not going to Fort Benning,

You're not going anywhere.
You're gonna stay here...

...and make me proud of you,
Sergeant Hazard!

Thank you.
But we got to get there on time,
all right?

Don't get stuck in a cab again.
I'll see you there.

- Give me the whole story.
- Yeah, over there.

Come on, Stan.
- Get back to me.
- Tell him to look at it.

He'll be able to help with the story,
so it's important you get there.

- What about the reception tonight?
- It's tomorrow, 7:30. We'll meet here.

That'll give you time to get dolled up
and we can get there on time, 8:00.

Sergeant's gonna show me where
they hide Persian rugs in this town.

- I hope I didn't...
- Oh, no, work. Reception.

And ambassadors, they like
their reporters dolled up, do they?

Yeah, sometimes.
These are very nice...
- Yeah, let's go steal a rug.
- Right.
