Gardens of Stone

What's bothering you, Clell? Tell me.
Why do you want to leave
the Old Guard so badly?

We're just a bunch
of toy soldiers, Sam.

You don't believe in the war,
but if you transfer...

:53:23'll be part of sending
these boys over.

Yeah. I guess I should be there
where it really counts.

I just can't watch
one more of those boys...

- I guess it's just weakness.
- It's not weakness, Clell.

Sam, my business
is a family business.

If a building burns and you can't
carry all your children...

:53:55 damn well do what you can
and cry about it later.

This is for you. It's an Ushak.
It's wonderful.

It's pretty.
Would you stand still for a minute?
Goddamn it, please!

Look, Goody, I've been thinking.
What's the chances of my platoon
playing aggressor team this year?

Aggressor team?
The guys that play Charlie
in the field and lose...

:54:42 the noble American forces? You
wanna volunteer for dipshit detail?

- When you push that around, yeah.
- Make me believe it.

Come on. I mean, half these kids are
gonna wind up in Nam, and I figure...

...if I had them for two weeks,
I could show them something.
