Will you have dinner with me tonight?
- I can't. I have a date.
- Break it.
- I don't think it's such a good idea.
- Break the date.
All right. 2218 M Street.
Georgetown. 8:00.
You are permitted
to assist the public.
You're not permitted to kidnap anyone,
no matter the temptation.
Sarge, I'd like you to meet Rachel Feld.
- Rachel is an old friend of mine.
- Miss Feld.
Pleased to meet you.
I gotta go. See you later.
- 2218?
- Yeah.
- Wow.
- Yeah, wow!
Okay, my boy.
Sarge, I need to borrow $50.00.
I'll pay you back payday.
I need to borrow your car keys too.
I'm so happy I dropped by.
- Vietnam. Americans will
no longer allow its leaders...
...political carte blanche.
- I love these.
- You look nice also, as always.
- Thank you, Don.
Excuse me.
Don, this is Sergeant Clell Hazard.
Clell, this is Don Brubaker.
Well, thank the Lord.
Somebody going to tell me
what this war's about?
Are we winning the war?
We kicking ass or what?
Don's head of Attorneys
Against the War, so watch out.
The kill ratio's 10-1.
Is that enough to keep you happy?
Happy? No. I couldn't settle for less
than the hearts we're supposed to win.