Ghoulies II

Yeah, it's okay.
What's that?
lt's a rat, stupid.
lt looks real.
Let's see.
Wait, it could have rabies or something.
Don't be such a dork, Leo.
Oh, man!
We better get out of here.
You're dead rat meat!
Holy shit.
Did you see that?
This place is better than Epcot Center.
-Come on, let's go and get the guys.
-We gotta show the guys this.

Torture chamber!
Let's party!
Are you ready for some rock 'n' roll?
What the hell was that?
l don't know.
Looked like a bat or something.

God damn it!
What's going on?
-lt broke my tunes.

Some bat, or....
l don't know what the fuck it was!

Bobby, let's go, please.
Okay, babe. We're going.
Hey, man, bring my tunes.
God damn it.
