Good Morning, Vietnam

- What happened with the girl?
- It didn't work out.

I want to introduce you to someone
right now from my English class.

- This is Tuan. The guys.
- Hey, Tuan!

- Guys, Tuan.
- Hey, pull up a floor here.

Hi, Tuan.
Long time no "twee." Ba-dum.

- That's terrible. That's terrible.
- Those are gorgeous gals.

I've... I'll never have them.
I've always wanted girls like that,
but I've always had trouble,
especially as a young child.

Who the hell gets laid as a young
child? And stop calling them "gals."

Cowgirls are called gals. Those are
gorgeous French-Vietnamese B-girls.

Don't ruin it by conjuring up images
of Dale Evans, all right?

Can you believe the shape
of those gals... girls?

The one in blue.
Those behinds were designed by a Jewish
scientist in Switzerland, Dr Feintush.

- Dr Heimlich Feintush.
- We're trying to figure out
how to meet them...

- but nobody can come up
with any good lines.
- Wait a minute. Try this one.
Try this one.

Oh, girls, girls!
Come on over.

Pardon me, girls?
Excuse me, girls? Hello.

Hello! Come on. Yes.
Here she comes
Miss Southeast Asia

- It says we're not supposed to
fraternize with these girls.
- Here she comes right now

- It says so in the memo.
"No fraternizing with these girls."
In the memo!
- Thank you.

- I will note your objection.
- Forget memos. Forget memos.
These are pretty women coming.

Here she comes
- This way, please.
- Hi.

Hello, I'm William Holden.
- Oh. Oh! Bingo.
- Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.
If you believe in Santa...

- How come I don't get one?
- Dan Levitan. You've probably
heard my radio show.

What's your name?
My name is Levitan. Can you say that?

Hey, who brought in the gook?
I said, who brought in
the fuckin' gook?

I love you.
- A khaki eclipse.
- I better go now.

That's all right.
I did. Hey, come on now.

If you kick out the gooks, the next
thing, you have to kick out the chinks,
the spicks, the spooks and kikes.

All that's gonna be left in here
are a couple of brain-dead rednecks.
