- And what fun would that be?
- Now's when they stop talking.
- Now, come on. Let me buy you
a couple of beers. How 'bout it?
- What, are you crazy?
- I might b...
- Shut up!
- Okay.
- Get him outta here.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Come on now.
- You gotta prove somethin', knockin'
around little Vietnamese kids here?
- This is a GI bar.
We don't like gooks. We don't want
him here. You just get him out!
Everybody say "gook,"
but it's all right.
- Jump in anytime, okay?
- We're there.
I got to tell you somethin',
you know?
I've been all around the world, seen
a lot of places and a lot of people.
I have never ever in my travels
come across a man as large as you...
with as much muscles,
who has absolutely no penis.
He mean that as compliment!
Oh, shit!
That's it for you, asshole!
Call police, quick!
These two behemoths were physically
abusing a Vietnamese national. I thought
since we were here to defend their cou...
So you start a brawl. Turn the place
upside-down. Real intelligent solution.
Do you have any idea how
ridiculous it makes me look to
have a man under my command...
start a fucking bar brawl?
You're not gonna
last long here, pal.
- You can always
send me back to Crete.
- Oh, you think this is a joke?
I can come up with alternatives
other than Crete. I'm real good
at stuff like that.
I got people stuck in places
they haven't even considered
how to get out of yet.
You don't think I can
come up with somethin' good?
- Can you envision some fairly
unattractive alternatives?
- Not without slides.
A bar brawl.
That's one, Cronauer.
You better stay cool. You better
not get involved in anything.
You better not even come within range
of anything that happens...
or your ass is grass,
and I'm a lawn mower.
- Am I being fairly clear?
- Yes, sir.