but I think I'd like to delve into
something slightly more personal
for the men in the field.
How would you describe
your testicles?
- That they're soft, that they're
shallow, that they have no purpose.
- Oh, my God.
- What are you saying, sir?
- Oh, my God.
- That they lack the physical strength.
- How would you describe
your sex life with your wife Pat?
- Uh, it is unexciting sometimes.
Well, have you considered possibly
a sex change? There is an operation
that can transform you...
- Please don't do this to me.
Please don't do this to me.
- Into a female Great Dane
or possibly a very well-hung Chihuahua.
Mr Nixon, while you've been in Vietnam,
it's rumoured that you smoked marijuana.
Are you planning, sir, to
take some of the marijuana home,
back to the United States?
- How would you do that?
- By plane...
by helicopter
and also by automobile.
I was wondering if you could do your
Mr Ed, because I know people love that.
Cut that thing off.
I said cut it off!
- Sir.
- Where is Cronauer?
- Still eating, sir.
- I want to see him ASAP.
- What, sir?
- As soon as possible.
- VG, sir.
- We interrupt this broadcast...
to bring you an emergency selection
of the Benny Goodman Orchestra.
We simply need to consider
taking him off the air.
Lieutenant, we get hundreds,
maybe thousands of calls
and letters each week. Fan mail.
He's the first man in the history
of Armed Forces Radio to get fan mail.
Every GI in this country
is glued to his radio twice a day...
at 0600 hours and 1600 hours
to hear that lunatic.
Sir, the man has got
an irreverent tendency.
He did a very off-colour
parody of former VP Nixon.
- I thought it was hilarious.
- Respectfully, sir...
the former V.P. Is a good man
and a decent man.
I know Nixon personally.
He lugs a trainload of shit behind him
that would fertilize the Sinai.
Why, I wouldn't buy an apple from
the son of a bitch, and I consider
him a good, close, personal friend.
Let's get down to business here,
General. What the hell's goin' on here?
We've got a mounting crisis
in this country. We've got
a deejay that the men dearly love.
If you two have personal problems,
solve them, will you?
Thank you, Lieutenant.