l don't want to hear no more of that rebel.
l lost my car on the mother fucking road.
And l'm crying over you.
Hey Sarge, Sarge. Look a minute.
l've got a flash for you.
Some brother l was hanging out
with over at Delta company.
Drives iron raven.
Don't shit me, Sarge. Rumor has it
we're going back into the Ashau.
Come on Sarge, man you know. l'm too short for that shit.
The Doc ain't gonna give me a profile.
Why don't you see if there's a job
for me over at headquarters.
They don't take niggers
back at headquarters, brother.
All the white mother
fuckers are back there.
Remove the protective
wrapping from the tooth brush.
Put the wrapping next
to your left foot.
Open the tooth paste with
the cap on top of wrapping.
Now put general amount of
paste on the sterile bristles.
People you will brush your teeth
in rapid verital motion for one minute.
That's up and down for
you rebel mother fucker.
When l say Start, you turn
to your right, you brush. Ready?
You may notice a granular taste.
That's pumice.
lt's puopse is to seal the teeth
and allow the flouride to penetrate.
Gentlemen, in Vietnam, you will be
confronted by many organisms.
ln food, water, air...
that are foreign to Amercan bodies.
Ringworm and Pataygo and Malaria,
ameobic dysentary and crotch rot.
lt has been found that proper dental hygene is important
component in maintaining of a healthy fighting man.
What are you doing?
Come on lighten up Bro.